• 逐月之月第二季

  • 状态: 连载中待更新
  • 类型:
  • 主演:林亦乐
  • 年代:2019
  • 地区:泰国

简介:Wayo is accepted at the Kantaphat University, in the Faculty of Sciences; in the same institution he studies, Phana, a second-year boy he has always been in love with, though he never managed to talk to him. When Wayo has the chance to become the moon of his faculty, the two will begin to spend time together because Phana himself has been the moon of the medical school the previous year and must supervise the freshmen participating in the competition. Despite initially the strong character of Phana makes it difficult for Wayo any more simple interaction, the two slowly get closer and closer. So, Wayo began to visit friends of Phana, Beam and Kit; it is the latter who suddenly falls in love with Ming, Wayo's best friend, who begins to court him despite his initial haste.


  • ①:《逐月之月第二季》是一部电视剧,泰国发行的泰国剧由林亦乐 主演。อาร์ม-อนุสรณ์ สร้อยสงิม 2019导演的电视剧共0集,提供在线免费播放。更多好看的电视剧泰国剧,请关注“影视片库网”电视剧泰国剧泰国专栏或电视剧排行榜。
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